Oct 30, 2017
Lying low in a ratty motel, Kiera, Mitch, and Jack try to make
sense of what's on the audio cassette tapes Tiresias led them to in
his final moments. But Sol Invictus hasn't given up the chase.
Our operatives will have to determine how the strange accounts
recorded on the tapes can be used to find their way forward
Oct 23, 2017
In a place beyond imagining and beyond time, a man finds himself on the shores of an impossible sea. Upon this final precipice stands the Last House, and its lonely keeper within.
Truth, the future, self... all are disassembled and reconfigured by the enormity of the infinite, reflected in eyes that see beyond all...
Oct 16, 2017
Cut off from ORPHEUS, terrified of pursuit, and with certainty
itself a bitter memory, Kiera and Mitch make their journey on dark,
lost highways.
They search for hope, with nothing to hold onto but a handful of
numbers; a final order and gift from Tiresias.
Music Credits:
Three Chain Links - Demons
Three Chain Links -...
Oct 9, 2017
As a thank you to everyone who left iTunes reviews, followed us
on Twitter, and helped to solve the ARG, I now present to you the
"Cleanup" saga in its entirety (though split into multiple episodes
for upload, it's long you guys).
Cleanup chronicles an important event in ORPHEUS's recent past, and
honestly, it'd be...
Oct 9, 2017
As a thank you to everyone who left iTunes reviews, followed us
on Twitter, and helped to solve the ARG, I now present to you the
"Cleanup" saga in its entirety (though split into multiple episodes
for upload, it's long you guys).
Cleanup chronicles an important event in ORPHEUS's recent past, and
honestly, it'd be...