Jul 25, 2022
Rob, Ben, and Alan discuss the Asherah arc, with its heady blend of pacing, operational competence, and tragedy.
Jul 18, 2022
Music Credits:
Three Chain Links - Magic Hour
Vacant Stages - Voyage through the
empty shelves
Myuu -
Forgotten Factory
Bat Audio - The Impostor
A.Romeo - Fatal
Disconscious -
Mattress Store
Little Yellow Room
MacLeod - The House of Leaves
ROZKOL - The Full Empty
Jul 11, 2022
After largely frustrated attempts to sleep the day through, the
restoration crew return to the Hillside Mall, where the shadows
Music Credits:
Three Chain Links - Magic Hour
Letmeknowyouanatole - Take the
Colours Paint the Sky
Wilhelm Matt - Kokeka (2-4-11) Time Stretched
Violin Bowing
385North -
D a r k A l...
Jul 4, 2022
Three blue collar workers are
sent on an industrial cleanup assignment at the long-closed
Hillside Mall in Fairfield, Illinois.
But as the hot, Summer night wears on, they discover that places
can sicken just people do.
Music Credits:
Intro - White Bat Audio - Dark Odyssey
Three Chain Links - Magic